Welcome to Nanny's House. It's been a long while since I've seen you.
Well, a whole lot of livin' has happened since my last post.
My father became ill and passed away October 26, 2012. While Dad was ill we moved
out to their place in the country and just never left.
Yesterday, was Mom's birthday. Over the weekend on Saturday, we gave Mom a surprise birthday dinner/party. She was so surprised and happy, she cried.
She said she could only remember two really happy birthdays in her lifetime. This one and another, a long, long time ago.
Mom was 14 when she married. She lacked nearly 2 weeks being 16 when I was born. When I was a little over a year old, Mom was expecting my sister Vicky. Dad worked nights. They lived way out in the country upon a mountain. Mom drew water out of a well to do dishes and did her laundry in a wringer washer.
On this night, it was her birthday. Dad was at work. I suppose I was asleep. The house was clean, but Mom had stacked her dirty dishes neatly on the counter. She saved them to have something to do later in the evening.
Mom heard what sounded like a car, so she went the door and looked out. There were many car lights coming around and up that mountain. She said, "I remember wondering if something happened to James." (My Dad)
There were all these fancy cars that pulled up into the yard. A lot of ladies got out. Mom said she only knew one. Her name was Joanne. Mom and Dad rented the little house we lived in from Joanne and her husband Joe.
Joanne and all these ladies came in. They brought in a cake and gifts. Some of the ladies drew water out of the well, heated it, and washed her dishes. They sang Happy Birthday to her and served her cake.
She said she was shocked, then embarrassed because she had left her dishes and they washed them. But most of all, she felt so good inside because these ladies went out of their way to make a very young wife and mother, a long way from her family, very happy on her birthday.
You know, I realize times and people have changed. But if my daughter had to move a long way from home, and I could not be there for her birthday, I hope there would be someone, kind and thoughtful to make her day a special one.
I believe I could sit for hours, listening to these precious memories of long ago. They teach wonderful life lessons and remind me of what is really important.
So very good to be back.
Blessing to you all,