Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Watered Garden

Easter will be here before we know it. I just thought I would share my Peter Cottontail waterpot. I have had this waterpot for many years and wanted to display it this year at this time. I have it on a tray in my bathroom.

This water pot reminds me how lax I become about watering my plants. I am so glad that our Lord isn't like me. His word says in Isaiah 58:11 "And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, whose waters fail not."  Now let me tell you, He has certainly made my bones fat these last few years. I guess I can't blame that on Him. Although, He certainly never fails to meet my needs and blesses me with good things.
Since I have been sharing groupings from my bathroom, I thought I would share this wall arrangement in my bath, over the vanity. My pictures are not the best, as I am taking pics with my phone camera. Will get my camera ready and get some nice ones a little later.

Well, I hope everyone has a great week and weekend. May God water your garden and bless you with good things!!



Friday, March 16, 2012

The Best Things In Life Are Free

 Today may be cloudy, but just sniff that fresh air. The sun may not be shining  (where I'm at anyway), but it sure is shining inside me
 Family and friends make a wonderful difference in the way we view life.

 Dolly Partons' song "Coat of Many Colors", makes a wonderful statement. While she was telling the story of how proud she was of her new coat, the children were laughing and making fun of her. She said, "I couldn't understand it, for I felt that I was rich. And I told them of the love my Mama sewed in every stitch....... And I told them all the story Mama told me as she sewed and how my coat of many colors was worth more than all their gold."
It wasn't the coat, or its beauty, or its value. It was the time with Mama and the love Mama poured into making something out of nothing for her loved little one.

If you are having a down day, spend some time with a loved one or someone who has no one. Pour a little sunshine into their lives, and the sun will come out for you.

My daughter came by when I was feeling a little low and said,"Come on Mom, we're going somewhere." She is really not interested in antique shops or flea markets, but she took me to my favorite shops, then took me to lunch.

The sun came out inside and outside for me. Hope it does for you too!!!!

